JHT Administrative Presentations & Information
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- Improving Forecast Guidance through the Joint Hurricane Testbed, Brian Zachry and Jason Sippel, 2021 101st AMS Annual Meeting (PPTX format)
- Joint Hurricane Testbed Administrative Update, Brian Zachry and Jason Sippel, 2021 Tropical Cyclone Operations and Research Forum/75th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, 2-3 March 2021 presentation (PDF format)
- Improving Forecast Guidance through the Joint Hurricane Testbed, Brian Zachry, Jason Sippel, and Mark DeMaria, 2020 Tropical Cyclone Operations and Research Forum/74th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, 25-26 February 2020 presentation (PDF format)
- Roundup Presentation, Joint Hurricane Testbed, Mark DeMaria and Jason Sippel, 10th NOAA TBPG Workshop, 27-28 March, 2019 (PDF format)
- Improving Forecast Guidance through the Joint Hurricane Testbed, Jason Sippel and Mark DeMaria, 2019 Tropical Cyclone Operations and Research Forum/73rd Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, 13 March 2019 presentation (PDF format)
- Roundup Presentation, Joint Hurricane Testbed, Jason Sippel, 9th NOAA TBPG Workshop, 10-11 April, 2018 (PDF format)
- Improving Forecast Guidance through the Joint Hurricane Testbed, Jason Sippel, 2018 Tropical Cyclone Operations and Research Forum/72nd Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, 14 March 2018 presentation (PDF format)
- Improving Forecast Guidance through the Joint Hurricane Testbed, Shirley Murillo, JHT Admin. Asst., Deputy Director, NOAA/AOML/Huricane Research Division, AMS Annual Meeting, Eighth Conference on Transition of Research to Operations, 10 January 2018 presentation (PDF format)
- Roundup Presentation – Joint Hurricane Tesetbed – 2017 Update, Craig Mattocks, Acting Technology and Sci. Branch Chief, NHC, 8th NOAA Tesetbed and Proving Ground Workshop, 25 April 2017 presentation (PDF format)
- The Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT): A 2017 Update, Chris Landsea, JHT Director, Science and Operations Officer, NHC, 2017 Tropical Cyclone Operations and Research Forum/71st Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, 16 March 2017 presentation. (PDF format)
- R2O via the Joint Hurricane Testbed, SHirley Murillo, JHT Admin. Asst., Research Meteorologist, NOAA/AOML/Hurricane Research Division, AMS Annual Meeting, Seventh Conference on Transition of Research to Operations, 24 January 2017 presentation. (PDF format)
- Roundup Presentation - Joint Hurricane Testbed, Shirley Murillo, JHT Admin. Asst., Research Meteorologist, NOAA/AOML/Hurricane Research Division, 7th NOAA Testbed & Proving Ground Workshop, 5 April, 2016 presentation. (PDF format)
- The Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT): Project status and plans, Chris Landsea, JHT Director, Science and Operations Officer, NHC, 2016 Tropical Cyclone Operations and Research Forum/70th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, 15 March 2016 presentation. (PDF format)
- The Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT): A 2015 Update, Chris Landsea, JHT Director, Science and Operations Officer, NHC, 69th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, 3 March 2015 presentation. (PDF format)
- An Update on The Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT), Chris Landsea, JHT Director, Science and Operations Officer, NHC, 68th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, 4 March 2014 presentation. (PDF format)
- Joint Hurricane Testbed - Transitioning from Research to Operations, Chris Landsea, JHT Director, Science and Operations Officer, NHC, AMS annual meeting, 4th Conference on Transition of Research to Operations, 6 February 2014 presentation. (PDF format)
- An Update on The Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT), Shirley Murillo, JHT Admin. Asst., Research Meteorologist, NOAA/AOML/Hurricane Research Division, 67th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, 6 March 2013 presentation. (PDF format)
- Joint Hurricane Testbed - Transitioning from Research to Operations, Shirley Murillo, JHT Admin. Asst., Research Meteorologist, NOAA/AOML/Hurricane Research Division, 3rd NOAA Testbed & Proving Ground Workshop, 1 May, 2012 presentation. (PDF format)
- Joint Hurricane Testbed - Transitioning from Research to Operations, Shirley Murillo, JHT Admin. Asst., Research Meteorologist, NOAA/AOML/Hurricane Research Division, AMS 30th Conference on Hurricane and Tropical Meteorology, 16 April 2012 presentation. (PDF format)
- 2012 Update on The Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT), Dr. Jiann-Gwo Jiing, JHT Director, Technnology & Science Branch Chief, NHC, 66th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, 6 March 2012 presentation. (PDF format)
- The Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT): Transitioning research into operations, Shirley Murillo, JHT Admin. Asst., Research Meteorologist, NOAA/AOML/Hurricane Research Division,OAR Senior Management Meeting, 9 January 2012 presentation. (PDF format)
- Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT) 2011 Update: Transitioning Research to Operations, Shirley Murillo, JHT Admin. Asst., Research Meteorologist, NOAA/AOML/Hurricane Research Division, NOAA Hurricane Conference, 29 November 2011 presentation. (PDF format)
- Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT): 2010 Update, Dr. Jiann-Gwo Jiing, JHT Director, Technical Support Branch Chief, NHC, 65th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, 3 March 2011 presentation. (PDF format)
- Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT) 2010 Update: Transition from Research to Operations, Chris Landsea, JHT Admin. Asst., Science and Operations Officer, NHC, NOAA Hurricane Conference, 30 November 2010 presentation. (PDF format)
- The Federal Register Availability of Grant Funds for FY11 has been released. (PDF format)
- Joint Hurricane Testbed Announcement of Opportunity posted; Full Proposal deadline October 29. (PDF format)
- Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT) 2010 Update, Dr. Chris Landsea, JHT Admin. Asst., Science and Operations Officer, NHC, 2nd NOAA Testbed USWRP Workshop, 4 May 2010 presentation. (PDF format)
- Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT) 2010 IHC Update, Dr. Jiann-Gwo Jiing, JHT Director, Technical Support Branch Chief, NHC, Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, 4 March 2010 presentation. (PDF format)
- Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT) 2009 Update: Transitioning Research to Operations, Shirley Murillo, JHT Admin. Asst., Research Meteorologist, NOAA/AOML/Hurricane Research Division, NOAA Hurricane Conference, 2 December 2009 presentation. (PDF format)
- Overview of the Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT), Dr. Jiann-Gwo Jiing, JHT Director, Technical Support Branch Chief, NHC, 1st NOAA Testbed USWRP Workshop, 28 April 2009 presentation. (PDF format)
- Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT) 2009 IHC Update: Transition from Research to Operations, Dr. Jiann-Gwo Jiing, JHT Director, Technical Support Branch Chief, NHC, Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, 5 March 2009 presentation. (PDF format)
- Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT) 2008 Update: Transition from Research to Operations, Dr. Jiann-Gwo Jiing, JHT Director, Technical Support Branch Chief, NHC, NOAA Hurricane Conference, 2 December 2008 presentation. (PDF format)
- The Federal Register Availability of Grant Funds for FY09 has been released.
- JHT full text Announcement of Federal Funding Opportunity
- An Overview of the Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT): Shirley Murillo, JHT Admin. Asst., Research Meteorologist, NOAA/AOML/Hurricane Research Division, National Hurricane Conference, 3 April 2008 presentation. (PDF format)
- Joint Hurricane TestBed (JHT): 2008 IHC Update, Dr. Jiann-Gwo Jiing, JHT Director, Technical Support Branch Chief, NHC, Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, 5 March 2008 presentation. (PDF format)
- Joint Hurricane TestBed (JHT): 2007 IHC Update, Dr. Jiann-Gwo Jiing, JHT Director, Technical Support Branch Chief, NHC, Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, 7 March 2007 presentation. (PDF format)
- The JHT FY07 AFFO Application Deadline has been reopened.
- The JHT FY07 Announcement of Federal Funding Opportunity has been released.
- Joint Hurricane Test Bed (JHT): 2006 IHC Update, Dr. Jiann-Gwo Jiing, JHT Director, Technical Support Branch Chief, NHC, Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, 22 March 2006 presentation. (PDF format)
- The Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT): Progress and Future Plans,
Chris Landsea (NHC) - American Meteorological Society's Annual Meeting,
February 2006 presentation.
(PDF format) - JHT: Progress and Future Plans, Dr. Richard Knabb (NHC) - American Meteorological Society's Annual Meeting, January 2005 presentation.
- Experimental Tropical Cyclone Surface Wind Speed Probabilities - A JHT Project Update, Richard Knabb, James Gross, Edward Rappaport, Michelle Mainelli (NOAA/NWS/NCEP/NHC), Mark DeMaria (NOAA/NESDIS/ORA), and John Knaff (CSU/CIRA) Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, 9 March 2005, presentation.
- Joint Hurricane Test Bed (JHT) 2005 IHC Update, Dr. Jiann-Gwo Jiing, JHT Director, Technical Support Branch Chief, NHC, Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, 9 March 2005 presentation
- National Hurricane Center/Joint Hurricane Testbed Information Technology Structure
- Fiscal Year 2005 Announcement of Federal Funding Opportunity
- Fiscal Year 2005 Announcement of Federal Funding Opportunity - Questions and Answers
- Joint Hurricane
Test Bed (JHT) Opportunities for Transfer of Research and Technology
into Tropical Cyclone Analysis and Forecast Operations
JHT Staff - American Meteorological Society's May 2004 Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology Conference presentation. - JHT: Progress and Future Plans
Dr. Jiann-Gwo Jiing (NHC) - Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference
March 2004 presentation. - U.S. Weather Research
Program and the Joint Hurricane Testbed
Dr. Ward Seguin (NOAA/OAR) - Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference
March 2004 presentation.