JHT Administrative Publications
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- Ralph F. M., J. Intrieri, D. Andra Jr., R. Atlas, S. Boukabara, D. Bright, P. Davidson, B. Entwistle., J. Gaynor., S. Goodman, J.-G. Jiing, A. Harless, J. Huang, G. Jedlovec, J. Kain, S. Koch, B. Kuo, J. Levit, S. Murillo, L. P. Riishojgaard, T. Schneider, R. Schneider, T. Smith, and S. Weiss, 2013: The Emergence of Weather-Related Test Beds Linking Research and Forecasting Operations. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 94, 1187-1211. (PDF)
- Rappaport, E. N., J.-G. Jiing, C. W. Landsea, S. T. Murillo, and J. L. Franklin, 2012: The Joint Hurricane Testbed - Its first decade of tropical cyclone research-to-operations activities revisited. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 93, 371-380. (PDF)
- Rappaport, E. N., J. L. Franklin, L. A. Avila, S. R. Baig, J. L. Beven II, E. S. Blake, C. A. Burr, J.-G. Jiing, C. A. Juckins, R. D. Knabb, C. W. Landsea, M. Mainelli, M. Mayfield, C. J. McAdie, R. J. Pasch, C. Sisko, S. R. Stewart, and A. N. Tribble, 2009: Advances and Challenges at the National Hurricane Center. Weather and Forecasting, 24, 395-419. (PDF)