National Hurricane Center Forecast Verification
- Introduction
- Forecast verification procedures
- Annual NHC verification reports
- Official five-year mean errors and distributions
- Official error trends
- Model error trends
- NHC official forecast error database
- Performance measures and goals
- References
9. References
Aberson, S. D., 1998: Five-day tropical cyclone track forecasts in the North Atlantic basin. Wea. Forecasting, 13, 1005-1015.
DeMaria, M., and J.M. Gross, 2003: Hurricane! Coping with Disaster, edited by Robert Simpson, Chapter 4: Evolution of Tropical Cyclone Forecast Models. American Geophysical Union, ISBN 0-87590-297-9, 360p.
Jarvinen, B. R., and C. J. Neumann, 1979: Statistical forecasts of tropical cyclone intensity for the North Atlantic basin. NOAA Tech. Memo. NWS NHC-10, 22 pp.
Knaff, J.A., M. DeMaria, B. Sampson, and J.M. Gross, 2003: Statistical, five-day tropical cyclone intensity forecasts derived from climatology and persistence. Wea. Forecasting, 18, 80-92.
Neumann, C. B., 1972: An alternate to the HURRAN (hurricane analog) tropical cyclone forecast system. NOAA Tech. Memo. NWS SR-62, 24 pp.
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