NHC Marine Radiofax Broadcast Schedule
The Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch (TAFB) provides marine analyses and forecasts for the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, and the tropical and subtropical Atlantic and Pacific. Products available include: surface analyses, sea state analyses, wind/seas forecasts, wave period/swell direction forecasts, tropical cyclone danger area forecaasts (during the hurricane season), text High Seas Forecasts, and GOES satellite imagery. These products are transmitted through the U.S. Coast Guard Stations at New Orleans, Louisiana, and Pt. Reyes, California. These and other National Hurricane Center marine products are also available from the National Weather Service Marine Fax page.
NOTE 1: Some of the products listed below are supplied by TAFB and can be found on the TAFB Forecasts and Analysis page. Other products are from the Ocean Prediction Center.
NOTE 2: Subtract 1.9 kHz for carrier frequencies. Please send any reception reports and user comments to marine.weather@noaa.gov