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Service Change Notice

NOUS41 KWBC 231130
Service Change Notice 13-46
National Weather Service Headquarters Washington DC
730 AM EDT Tue Jul 23 2013
To:       Subscribers:
          -Family of Services
          -NOAA Weather Wire Service
          -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network
          Other NWS Partners, Users and Employees
From:     Mark Tew
          Chief, Marine and Coastal Weather Services Branch
Subject:  Discontinuation of the Text Satellite Tropical
          Disturbance Rainfall Estimates Product for the 
          Caribbean, Central America and the Gulf of Mexico
          Effective July 30, 2013
Effective Tuesday July 30, 2013, at 200 pm Eastern Daylight Time
(EDT), 1800 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), the Tropical
Analysis and Forecast Branch (TAFB) of the National Hurricane
Center (NHC) will stop issuing the current operational version of
the text Satellite Tropical Disturbance Rainfall Estimates
product for the Caribbean, Central America and the Gulf of
The National Centers for Environmental Prediction will be
transitioning to the WCOSS super computer on July 30, 2013. NHC
management has decided to further develop the experimental
satellite rainfall program so it can migrate to WCOSS for
operational implementation.
Users are directed to the Experimental Satellite Rainfall 
Product on the National Hurricane Center website at
The Product Description Document for the Tropical Disturbance
Rainfall on the National Hurricane Center website at
Table 1 lists the WMO headers and AWIPS IDs of the text Satellite
Tropical Disturbance Rainfall Estimates for the Caribbean,
Central America and the Gulf of Mexico which will be discontinued
on July 30, 2013
Product Name                   WMO Heading     AWIPS ID
____________                   ___________     ________ 
East Caribbean Satellite       TTCA21 KNHC      STDECA
Tropical Disturbance Rainfall 
40W to 67W
Central Caribbean Satellite    TTCA22 KNHC      STDCCA
Tropical Disturbance Rainfall 
67W to 80W                    
Western Caribbean/Mexico       TTCA23 KNHC      STDWCA
Satellite Tropical Disturbance
Rainfall 80W to 120W          
The effective date of this change is sooner than specified by NWS
Policy (NWS Instruction 10-1805).  The shorter advance lead time
was necessitated by uncertainty in timing of migration to a new
supercomputer, and approved because the current users will not
have to make any adjustments to accommodate the change.
If you have any questions or comments about the discontinuation
of the text Satellite Tropical Disturbance Rainfall Estimates
Product for the Caribbean, Central America and the Gulf of Mexico
please contact:
Hugh D. Cobb                    Richard May
Chief, TAFB                     NWS Headquarters
National Hurricane Center       Marine Services                              
11691 SW 17th Street            1325 East-West Highway 
Miami, FL  33165-2149           Silver Spring, MD  20910 
305-229-4454                    301-713-1677 x 127    
National NWS Service Change Notices are online at: