Synopsis for the SW N Atlantic including the Bahamas
354 PM EST Wed Feb 12 2025
.SYNOPSIS...Fresh to locally strong trade winds will prevail
south of 25N through the weekend as the Atlantic ridge persists
along 29N-30N. Associated easterly swell will also lead to rough
seas S of 22N through the weekend. Gentle to moderate winds will
prevail N of 25N until Thu afternoon, when a cold front will move
into the NW waters, south of 30N and to the W of 70W, bringing
fresh to strong NE winds behind it. The front is expected to move
eastward into the weekend, then stall and weaken E to W along 27N
on Sat. The next front will exit the SE U.S. late Sun afternoon
and reach from near Bermuda to the NW Bahamas and Straits of
Florida Mon afternoon.