HURRICANE DEBRA The following is the directory structure used for hurricane DEBRA in the Hurricane Wallet Digital Archives. The first level of subdirectory is the year (e.g. AD1959) and all directories subordinate will have data for storms which occurred in that year. The README.TXT file in the AD1958 directory is the directory structure for the 1958 digital archives. The second level of subdirectories are labeled by the storm name. In 1959 we had Arlene, Beulah, Cindy, Debra, Edith, Flora, Gracie, Hannah, Irene, and Judith. The README.TXT file in this directory lists and summarizes the files archived for hurricane DEBRA. The third level of directories are labeled by a name, acronym, or mnemonic related to the data contained in that directory. Types of files are: *.GIF files are graphics files, *.TXT files are ASCII text files, and *.WPD files are in WordPerfect 6.2. Directory PATH listing D:\AD1959\DEBRA ³ README.TXT - this file ³ ÃÄÄÄOPLTRACK - map of the storm track ³ TRACK1.GIF - Each numeral is a different map ³ TRACK2.GIF ³ TRACK3.GIF ³ TRACK4.GIF ³ ÃÄÄÄRADARDAT - radar reports ³ SD242300.GIF - 07/09 0800 UTC (Z) ³ SD250400.GIF - Usually several reports have been scanned in one *.GIF. The ³ SD250800.GIF time listed in the file name is usually the latest report. ³ SDNOTIME.GIF - no time listed on this teletype bulletin of radar observations! ³ ÃÄÄÄWORKSHT - 07/24 1500 UTC (Z) ³ W2415Z.GIF etc. ³ W2418Z.GIF ³ W2420Z.GIF ³ W2421Z.GIF ³ W2501Z.GIF ³ W2503Z.GIF ³ W2508Z.GIF ³ W2509Z.GIF ³ W2515Z.GIF ³ W2618Z.GIF ³ ÃÄÄÄMODELOUT - output from the models ³ BARATROP.GIF- baratropic output from WBC ³ ÃÄÄÄPRENHC - NHC preliminary report ³ PRELIM.GIF - cover sheet ³ PRELIM1.GIF - page 1 ³ PRELIM2.GIF etc. ³ PRELIM3.GIF ³ PRELIM4.GIF ³ PRELIM5.GIF ³ PRELIM6.GIF ³ PRELIM7.GIF ³ PRELIM8.GIF ³ ÃÄÄÄPRELOC - local WBAS, WFO, WFSO, WFO or other post storm reports ³ PSHNEW.GIF - New Orleans LA teletype report ³ PSHNEW1.GIF - letter copy of TTY message ³ PSHBPT.GIF - Beaumont/Port Arthur TX (Jefferson County Airport) ³ PSHHOU.GIF - Houston TX ³ PSHGLS.GIF - Galveston TX teletype report ³ PSHGLS01.GIF - report from GLS meteorologists Carson and Taylor ³ PSHGLS02.GIF ³ PSHGLS03.GIF ³ PSHGLS04.GIF ³ PSHGLS11.GIF - cover letter ³ PSHGLS12.GIF - report from GLS meteorologist Taylor ³ PSHGLS13.GIF - page 2 ³ PSHGLS14.GIF - page 3 ³ PSHGLS15.GIF - storm track ³ PSHGLS16.GIF - tide traces at various Texas locations ³ PSHGLS17.GIF - tide traces at various Texas locations ³ PSHGLS18.GIF - Galveston barograph chart ³ PSHGLS19.GIF - Galveston "Wind, Rain, and Sunshine Record" ³ PSHGLS20.GIF - Galveston wind speed trace page 1 ³ PSHGLS21.GIF - page 2 ³ PSHGLS22.GIF - page 3 ³ PSHGLS31.GIF - cover letter ³ PSHGLS32.GIF - tide chart form Dow Plant A, Freeport TX ³ CXOPP.GIF - Texas City TX barograph chart (negative) ³ CXOPPW.GIF - Texas City TX barograph chart (positive) ³ HGXPP.GIF - Dickinson TX barograph chart ³ ÃÄÄÄNEWS - news media reports ³ NEWSFLA.GIF - articles from The Miami News ³ NEWSTEX.GIF - article from a Texas paper ³ ÃÄÄÄSFCDAT - weather observations ³ SHIPS.GIF - ship reports ³ PIREP.GIF - pilot report fron a Pan Am Clipper ³ SF240027.GIF - surface reports beginning at 07/24 0027Z ³ SF251423.GIF - surface reports beginning at 07/25 1423Z ³ SHIPERR.GIF - letter about ship report encoding errors ³ ÀÄÄÄSLOSHDAT - data on tides and waves CH250000.GIF - CHURN reports begining at 07/25 0000z CH250228.GIF etc. CH250418.GIF CH250523.GIF CH250800.GIF CH250920.GIF CH251447.GIF CH281834.GIF FTPOINT.GIF - Fort Point TX tide chart PSHGLS22.GIF - cover letter PSHGLS21.GIF - tide chart form Dow Plant A, Freeport TX CXOTIDE.GIF - Union Carbide Plant, Texas City TX tide chart CXOTIDEW.GIF - positive of above CXOTIDE1.GIF - Union Carbide Plant, Texas City TX tide chart CXOTIDW1.GIF - positive of above GLSTIDE1.GIF - Galveston Channel, Galveston TX tide chart page 1 GLSTIDE2.GIF - page 2 GLSTIDE3.GIF - page 3